Fever in Children

5 minutes read


🌡️Why do my kids have a fever?

Children can develop a fever for various reasons. The most common cause of fever in children is an infection. Fevers are a natural response of the body to fight off infections, and the elevated body temperature creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria and viruses to thrive. However, it is important to note that fevers can also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, although it may be difficult to determine the cause initially. As a parent, it is crucial to observe your child's symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary when they have a fever.


🌡️How to treat fevers in my kids?

The primary goal is to ensure your child's comfort during a fever. Fever management can be divided into three stages, each requiring different approaches.

🌡️3 Stage of Fevers

🔶Stage 1: CHILLS

Symptoms: Cold & Shiver

What you can do:

  • Increase the room temperature.
  • Cover up more clothes or bedclothes.

🔶Stage 2: FEVER

Symptoms: Warm, red, dry skin

What you can do:

  • Keep the room ventilated.
  • Decrease the covering.
  • Reduce the temperature (cooling patch, ice pillow)
  • Give paracetamol or ibuprofen as doctor’s or pharmacist’s instruction.

🔶Stage 3: COME DOWN

Symptoms: Sweat & Cool Down

What you can do:

  • Change the wet clothes.
  • Prevent dehydration: drink plenty of fluids (ORS: Oreda, Royal D)

🔔Note for all parents 🔔
  • Do not give aspirin to children under 18.
  • Avoid using alcohol to treat a fever.
  • It is not necessary to cool your children down with sponge baths.
  •  Remember, fever is a cautionary sign but does not always require immediate medication.

❗When should I take my child to see a doctor?  

  • Fevers that keep coming back for 2 days.
  • A seizure caused by a fever.
  • Your child refuses to eat and drink or lose weight.
  • The body temperature is over 39.
  • Your child is younger than 3 months and has a fever.
When taking your child to the hospital, informing the doctor about their symptoms is important, and this will help the doctor assess the situation and provide appropriate care.

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